5 Startup Ideas for Married Students to Run Online Business

5 Startup Ideas for Married Students to Run Online Business

This modern era has turned out to be one that’s heavily ridden with digitalization and most of the people’s phases in life rely on the internet. Most aspects of individual lives are fixated on the online world and business is no exception. As a married student, one of the areas that can give you an allowance to have a gateway to earning extra money is an online business. Online businesses can be carried out in the comfort of your bed or even during a lunch-break while in school, which is very effective for students.

Below are some of the best startup ideas that students can use to run successful online businesses:

    1. Travel Business

If you perhaps have some interest in the world of business, then the hospitality segment is an ideal option for you, with travel companies being something to heavily consider. For you to carry out this online family business successfully, you could start by booking the facilities that your clients will use. In addition to this, ensure that the restaurants, hotels and even tour guides that will be at their service as they tour their destinations are all in place. You could also try to arrange for photography and reliable transport to help boost your online business.

    2. eBook Author

In this time and age, you find that people have a preference for reading virtual books while online instead of reading the hardcopy versions of the same books. As a student, this can work in your favor as it can be part of your online business niche. You could easily self-publish some eBooks because you do not have to visit publishing houses for you to be successful in it. With published eBooks at your disposal, you will have stumbled upon an online business gold mine.

    3. Drivers for Computers

In the online market, there is a lot of demand for computer drivers and this can be evidenced by the huge amounts of traffic that are found in sites that offer these drivers e.g. Drivertonic. Drivers have the ability to be downloaded to all computer types that are found across the globe, starting from HP to Dell. You can make a good profit as a student by taking some of the time that you have away from books to offer such drivers to people online.

    4. YouTube Channel

One of the most brilliant ideas that you could ever come up with for an online business is creating YouTube videos. You can successfully create diverse channels that talk about several topics and if you have the ability, you can create relevant videos that can be posted in these channels. This might seem too easy or even like some sought of an ill-intended joke but you will be surprised at the money that uploading videos that capture the attention of myriads of people would bring you.

    5. Kids Toys Sale Website

Starting an online business that deals with children’s toys is both a trending and innovative idea that could be taken up by small entrepreneurs such as students. Toys have an unimaginable popularity among kids from all walks of life, hence you are assured of a great spring of market and demand. However, when starting such an online business, you should ensure that it has a VPN to cement its online security.


As a student, there is ever the inherent need for you to acquire an extra and competent source of cash inflow. An online business could be just what you need to generate some income without disrupting your studies. Also, married students can consider writing works for special services like http://essaywritersite.com .The above-mentioned ideas are some of the best ventures that you could start. Who knows, you might strike a goldmine!