Wedding - Wedding Bouquet Lavender Calla Lilly Bouquet Bridal Bouquet Lavender Bouquets Wedding Bouquets Bouquets  Calla Lily Wedding Bouquet

Wedding Bouquet Lavender Calla Lilly Bouquet Bridal Bouquet Lavender Bouquets Wedding Bouquets Bouquets Calla Lily Wedding Bouquet

Made to order! 1 "Real Touch" purple calla lilies bridal bouquet with a brooch, satin ribbon and lace. The bouquet has been made from 23 calla lilies , brooch and satin ribbon It is perfect for the bride who appreciates simple and classy style. The bouquet looks so real, elegant, stylish, soft and lightweight. One of a kind. The bouquet measures:8 inches (20cm) in diameter, the handle is 7 inches long (17cm) Bridesmaids bouquets, boutonnieres and corsages available upon request. If...

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