Wedding Ideas - Scenery #6

wedding photo - Transport Me To A Magical World.

Transport Me To A Magical World.

This past weekend, I had the opportunity to shoot a Scottish & Polish wedding in the gorgeous countryside area outside of Toronto. Despite being eaten alive by all the mosquitoes, the different amounts of scenery that existed gave me a vast array of

wedding photo - Mystery And Melancholy

Mystery And Melancholy

I spend so much of my professional life managing the thinly controlled chaos of weddings that it makes me want to take whatever chances I can get to exercise total control. Of course the problem is that I LOVE the chaos; I find studio portraiture rel

wedding photo - Just Moments Before

Just Moments Before

While at sushi last night, a potential wedding client asked me, “so regardless of money, what is your favorite thing to photograph?”. I just looked at her and said, “Weddings”. It’s the perfect combination of using your personality, technical abil

Melissa & Guilliam’s Australian Beach Love Shoot

What more could I give you on a very British Summer’s morning than a scorching love shoot on the white sandy beaches of Australia?! Submitted by lovely photographer Liesl Cheney, who I have been so lucky to work with here in the UK before she ventured off to a new start in Australia last year, captures the free-spirit of this gorgeous couple, their relaxed and comfortable love, and the most beautiful scenery.  It’s such a pleasure to be able to share her work again! Melissa & Guilliam’s adventure begins in South Africa, and ends up on the other side of the world, in such a romantic tale… Our love story began on a warm summers day in December almost ten years ago.  I had a friend from Australia come and visit me at home in South Africa, and she wanted to go and visit ‘The Oberholster family’ – she didn’t want to go alone as she had a little crush on my now husband!  I had heard of them before , they lived just up the road in the next block of town houses, but I had never met them before even though we went to the same schools.  I am convinced I was not good-looking enough at the time for him to have noticed me at school but nonetheless, fate seemed to have its way and I made my way up to their house with her for a visit. When we arrived, Guilliam opened up the front door to invite us in; there he was with his awesome smile, great hair and charming personality… I was hooked!! According to him when he saw me he couldn’t believe how brown I was and thought I was some exotic beauty, hahaha, and that was it, he was hooked!  From that day on we were pretty much inseparable and spent almost every waking minute together and the minutes we were apart were filled with letters and text messages – which I somehow managed to write down in a journal for 5 years! During this time I went to De Aar in South Africa for about 6months and then to Scotland with my sister and then back to my hometown to work in a guesthouse. In the mean time Guilliam was up in Pretoria and Studying his BSC in Quantity Surveying.  Eventually after many months of long distance phone calls and a visit every second month, his parents decided to move me up to Pretoria as well and there I was, working for Estee lauder and Elizabeth Arden until I decided to do my Degree in Early Childhood Education. The proposal happened during a month long trip to Australia. We both loved the country and Guilliam wanted to show me what it was like as I had not been to see it yet. We travelled to most of the cities except Perth and ended our journey in Sydney for New Year. I thought, it would be so awesome if he proposed with all the fireworks at Sydney Harbour Bridge on New Years Eve and was quite dismayed when this didn’t happen.  According to him he didn’t want to pop the question amongst all the chaos and drunken people, so he came up with something better and we went to Watson’s Bay after New Years Day and had a lovely picnic by the lighthouse overlooking the cliffs and the wide open ocean and bang! Out came the ring and the speech and the question and the tears and the YES We always knew that moving to Australia was in the cards and decided we would move here after our studies, we also decided that we would move over and save our own dollars and pay for our own wedding.    So we moved over to Perth after our studies, engaged already for two years, used the first year to settle in and then decided to choose a date to get married for when we were back home to visit the family.

wedding photo - Melissa & Guilliam’s Australian Beach Love Shoot
wedding photo - HowHeAsked


"Maybe it was the #Iceland air, maybe it was the exciting moment yet to come, but even before the sun got up, the day already felt electric. We got ready quickly and our plan was to visit the #Seljalandsfoss waterfall early, hopefully to beat the imp

Adventure Weddings – Balloon and Helicopter Weddings over Lake Tahoe

If you are an audacious couple looking to marry in a nontraditional way, an adventure wedding in the skies over Lake Tahoe could be the thrill you’re looking for. Joining in holy matrimony while floating graciously in a balloon at unthinkable heights or soaring daringly in a helicopter at electrifying speeds will certainly be an unprecedented wedding experience not easily forgotten. If marrying in a hot air balloon has an appeal, saying “I do!” in the tranquil sky over Tahoe will occur at an altitude of over 9,000 feet. You’ll lift off at sunrise on the morning of your celebration, and once the cruising altitude has been reached, your nuptials will begin. Exchanging your vows and rings will transpire in what appears to be Heaven, serenity and bliss that’s inconceivable. And be ready for the amazing panoramic views that will extend from horizon to horizon. Once your marriage is consummated you’ll have the remainder of the one hour balloon ride to celebrate as newlyweds, suspended gently in the atmosphere over the exquisite countryside. Your first dance will be one with nature, flowing only where the wind sanctions as you view the mountainous peaks of the Sierra Nevada Range, pristine lakes, the adjacent Carson Valley and beyond. An alternate method available for having a wedding in the sky is in a private chartered helicopter. The rituals of the ceremony will take place while in flight above the Sierras and Lake Tahoe, exchanging rings and utterances of love while zipping through the air. Once enunciated as husband and wife, it’s time to rejoice with a toast while enjoying the aerial view of the amazing scenery below. You’ll see the falls of Emerald Bay, scores of colossal summits, and a 72 mile circumferential shoreline of sheer beauty. The magnificence of the sights will vastly add to the excitement of your adventurous day. The pronouncement of your unification nearly two miles high while floaring serenely in a basket or whizzing with ferocity in a helicopter is by no means your ordinary, everyday wedding. More accurately, it’s one which can be characterized as an aberrant way to walk down the aisle of wedlock. An in-fight wedding is an adventure of extraordinaire, and for those aspiring such an escapade, Tahoe makes it all possible. To say the least, uniting in marriage amongst the clouds is irrefutably an outlandish way to marry, but it is nevertheless a fascination for a number of couples who wish to begin their lives together in an unequaled way. Additional Resources For the less valiant bride and groom who prefer to have a wedding with their feet on the ground, traditional weddings take place on the beaches throughout Lake Tahoe. Visit our website at for some super places to marry and to get additional information about Tahoe weddings.

wedding photo - Adventure Weddings – Balloon and Helicopter Weddings over Lake Tahoe