Non-Traditional Engagement Rings

Non-Traditional Engagement Rings


Generally speaking, I think it's safe to say that when it comes to engagement rings Marilyn Monroe and Jule Styne had it right: diamond's are a girl's best friend. But as a recent convert to the diamond crowd myself, I know that there are women out there who prefer to have something a little more off the beaten path on their ring finger. Fortunately, from raw diamonds to black diamonds to settings that catch the eye all on their own, there are dozens of alternative options out there to give the traditional look of these precious gems a run for their money. Here are just a few of our favorites right now - and can I state for the record that while I love (really truly love) the ring my husband picked out for me (okay, and helped design), that aqua druzy stone has so caught my eye!

What do you think? Are you looking for a non-traditional engagement ring? Here are a few more options we love from Anthropologie and Love Adorned.

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