Fruit Ballons

Fruit Ballons


I used to organize many surprise parties for my friends. I didn't have any problem with preparing food or music. The only problem I had was decoration. I couldn't imagine what kind od ornaments would be the best for the place, guests, and for the birthday person.

The problem got bigger when party was organized for children. Simple balloons weren't enough fun and decorative. Luckily, I found a great tutorial on how to change balloons into big, colorful fruits. It doesn't require much time, manual skills or money. The effect is just awesome.

Remember that balloons are very useful material for many DIY projects such as Chocolate Balloon Bowls and Rustic Lace Lamp.

I am still looking for a new DIY balloon idea, so if you have any interesting tutorial or you made your version of this one, send us some photos or post comment below the article.

To see step by step tutorial of Fruit Balloons click the link!

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