Wedding Stress: 5 Simple Ways to Calm Down and Let Go

Wedding Stress: 5 Simple Ways to Calm Down and Let Go


Wedding planning sounded like more fun before you were engaged, right? Wedding stress can hit the best of us... hard. One minute you're giddy over your new ring and buying every bridal magazine at the grocery store, and the next you are biting your mother's head off and trying not to have a panic attack. Don't worry, it's not you, it's the wedding. Here are 5 simple ways that you can ditch that stress and get back to feeling like yourself again.

Don't forget basic stress relief.

Those techniques you used in college or when you started your first job? They still work. Practice deep breathing. Get plenty of sleep. Take a long walk and enjoy the fresh air. Absorb a little vitamin D by relaxing in the sun for a few minutes. Light a lavender candle and take a bubble bath. These seemingly small things add up to less stress and will help you better cope with the anxiety you are experiencing.

Healthy, nutrient-rich foods will make you feel better.

Skip the sugar-free caffeine high. We know, it's tempting to watch every calorie before the big day, but these "diet" foods and beverages often contain chemicals that simply don't make us feel well. Load up on leafy greens, fresh fruits, lean proteins, and plenty of water. Skipping meals is also a big no-no. Make sure you are giving your body plenty of good fuel and it will reward you with more energy and a better overall outlook.

Make time for the people in your life.

It's easy to get caught up in wedding planning. But while you are surrounded by taffeta and cake toppers and Kraft paper DIY projects, your friends and family all have things going on in their own lives. Make sure to take time out and focus on things other than your event. Celebrate your best friend's promotion. Invite your mom and dad out to dinner. Go on a date night with your sweetie (and do not discuss the wedding). Doing these things will help keep you in perspective about your wedding-it's just one party (albeit, a great party)-and remember the great community present in your life.

Find an actual happy place.

Sure, you could imagine a Caribbean beach. Or you could find a stress-free environment in the real world. Maybe it's your local coffee shop or your favorite park in the middle of the city. Whatever it is, make a deal with yourself that when you are there, you will simply be in the moment and relax. No wedding planning. No checklists. Just time to take a few deep breaths, thumb through the latest issue of Vanity Fair, and sip on a cup of tea.

Create an organizational system that works for you.

One of the best ways to not be overwhelmed is to be proactive. Everyone has different types of organization that works well for them. Me? I'm all about notebooks filled with down-to-the-last-detail lists. You might like a calendar-oriented app or a binder filled with photos of each of your ideas. Find something that helps you manage everything you need to accomplish and stick with it. Now is the time to be the most organized version of you.

Ultimately, we understand that wedding planning is very stressful. But these 5 tips will help you reduce your anxiety and enjoy this exciting time!

Photo Credit: D.Park Photography

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