Colourful, Reused and Kitsch Wedding in Tasmania: Lindsey & Ned

Colourful, Reused and Kitsch Wedding in Tasmania: Lindsey & Ned


Lindsey and Ned were married in Tasmania, at the bride's parent's farm. overlooking the ocean. Their reception was at S tanley Town Hall. "Getting married on top of a hill overlooking the ocean (where the next landmass is South America!) and utilising whatever venue we could find locally was a pretty unique experience", began the bride. "A weather proof reception venue was key to us as we can't stand a flapping marquee on a windy, crappy night which is so often the case in Tassie. We were so lucky that the only place suitable was a recently restored, beautifully painted Art Deco hall! And it was only $800 to hire for four days!"

"We made/collected so many elements of the wedding ourselves without going overboard and getting stressed about it. I think the Pinterest generation are pressured to have hand made wedding elements and for people who may be not that way inclined already, they may feel forced to craft everything. It can really take the fun out of wedding planning. Luckily, I love making things and thrifting anyway but also feel like I got the balance right by not stressing about the little things."

The bride wore two stunning dresses, both vintage. "I couldn't comprehend spending $3000 on a dress when we could spend that money on wedding booze or our honeymoon!", she said. "I found the pink one first on a holiday to visit friends in Brisbane. It's old and therefore super delicate and the girls at Studio White did an amazing job in replacing the lining and boning when I brought it back to Tasmania. I think people expected me to wear something 'different' to my own wedding hence me not wanting to wear the pink one to the ceremony. I found the white dress a few months later at the Fremantle Vinnies Op Shop and it was in pretty bad shape - it had a massive hole down one side and an awkward neckline. After a good soak and some mending it scrubbed up alright on the day! It was super fun to do a costume change during the night and get a round of applause upon my second entrance."

But the real show-stopper has to be their geologically accurate volcano wedding cake! It was made by the groom's mum and sister. "Imagine a geologically accurate 3D model including a volcano, a porphyry intrusion, a geothermal hot spring, three different types of gold and copper ore deposits and even marzipan dinosaurs!" Lindsey explained. "Now imagine that you can eat it and it tastes AMAZING. Thanks so much to Ned's Mum and sister for turning Ned's vision into reality and creating one of the most awesome geology cakes ever!"

Their stationery was also really individual. Instead of sending out paper post, they made tea towels! " I am obsessed with collecting retro 70s Australiana souvenir tea towels and Ned suggested a North West Tasmania tea towel design could be a fun way to get our destination wedding information out to guests. It worked brilliantly considering a map, calendar and the highlights of the area is already part of the kitschy design! I designed them myself and got them printed onto rolls of linen through online fabric printer, Spoonflower. It was a big job cutting, ironing and hemming a hundred invitations but worth it in the end! I'm loving that whenever we go to friends houses we get to see them in use!"

The DIY didn't stop there though, the bride's dad made all the flower boxes for the reception from old fence palings. He also made all the signage. All the coloured blankets were found all over Australia in various second hand shops, "The biggest thrill is finding a colourful woolen bundle hidden in the dog blankets box for a couple of bucks!" Lindsey laughed.

"Utilise friends and family - even after all of this, I still believe they offer to help because they genuinely want to be involved", Lindsey said in conclusion. "Have a think about appropriate jobs for people to play to their strengths, then delegate! Once the day arrives, chill out and drink some champagne! It's probably one of the only days of your life where you can ensure that your glass will magically be full all day long. There's nothing you can do to change anything now and no one will notice the little things that don't go to plan."

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