Manis With Miss Pop: Art Deco Daisy

Manis With Miss Pop: Art Deco Daisy


I'm Simcha Whitehill, but I'm better known as Miss Pop, a New York City-based nail artist. Every other week I'll be breaking down the technique behind a must-have manicure. Some looks will be chic and easy and some may require a practiced hand (or a little patience!). Either way, it's all about having fun. I do nail art for one reason. Love.

The surprising color combination of silver and bright yellow in Assembly's flapper-inspired dress that Sarah Ruba wore to the 2012 CFDA/ Vogue Fashion Fund Cocktails Party was the basis for this "Art Deco daisy" nail design. The design marries a glittering geometric frame with the intense pop of pigment, which allows a hue that is often difficult to wear look good on any skin tone. If you wish, however, this shape is equally as chic in any metallic and color pairing. For a New Year's Eve soiree, you can make it as dazzling using silver, gold or copper with emerald, navy or burgundy polish. Be forewarned, however. With this manicure, you are going to be wanting to kick up your heels dancing until the sun rises!

Difficulty level:
3 out of 10
What you need:How to do it:
Step 1: Paint on one coat of base coat and two metallic coats. Allow your coats to dry completely.

Step 2: Add the yellow lacquer. Imagine each nail starts about one-third of the way up from your cuticle. Then paint away, using the same strokes you would to cover your entire nail. If you are using a light or sheer color, like yellow, you may need to apply a second coat. This should leave a crescent moon shape at the base of each nail. Allow your coats to dry completely.


Step 3: To create the petal shape, you will need to add two thin metallic stripes to each nail. If you used a gritty, glittery metallic polish, any nail art striper polish should match. But the silver polish I used here, Essie's No Place Like Chrome, has a unique nickel finish. So I simply borrowed the brush out of another nail art striper, cleaned it with acetone (you can also just wipe off as much polish as you can) and dipped it in the Essie bottle. Then I striped up each nail in two places from the base to the tip, dividing each nail into three equal parts.

Step 4: To give each yellow section more of a petal look, round out the corners of each silver stripe.

Step 5: Finish your creation with a top coat, and your nails are ready for some serious jazz hands!

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