Make Beautiful Nail

Make Beautiful Nail


Want to have beautiful nails that attract attention? Ga have much – much to the salon too! we can also take care of yourself at home. Here it tips ..

strategy Pedicure
Always heed the pedicure, toe nail polish because it takes longer to dry.
Nail clippers and leave a little to the nail does not grow into the skin. Shape your nails with a miser.
Soak feet in warm water for 10 minutes, then gently rub the foot that feels rough with a small brush.
Apply a basecoat on your nails. Then, continue with two coats of nail polish. Choose neutral colors such as beige and pink or colors that match the clothes you will wear.
In closing, apply nail polish topcoat to prevent cracking and add luster to the nail

Strategy Manicure

Nail clippers and leave a little to the nail does not grow into the skin. Shape your nails with a miser. Apply a basecoat on your nails. Then, continue with two coats of nail polish. Use the same color as the paint toenails. Cover with a topcoat. Done!

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