Let's get to know LA-based Evangeline Lane, the globe-trotting, bi-coastal wedding photographer

Let's get to know LA-based Evangeline Lane, the globe-trotting, bi-coastal wedding photographer


You might remember LA-based Evangeline Lane from her serendipitous experience getting into photography, this most seriously delightful Independence Day wedding, or maybe you even met her at last year's San Francisco Lovesick Expo. If you haven't heard of her, you need to know her now! Evangeline is a world-traveler, often getting booked for weddings overseas. Plus, she is bi-coastal in the U.S., too, so she knows her way around all kinds of weddings.

Let's talk about what makes Evangeline tick and why she just might be your saving grace in catching all the amazing details at your wedding. And of course, there's a special package waiting just for readers of Offbeat Bride.

Evangeline loves capturing beautiful details, but it's the little moments of the day that create the story. To prove that she knows how to do that (without you even noticing!), check out what a recent couple had to say:

We found Evangeline kind of on a fluke, looking for antique barn trolleys. We tripped upon her photos and website and were sold! Evangeline was delightful and professional from top to bottom. She took the time to discuss what we wanted and didn't want, and also had us fill out a questionnaire so nothing would be left out or forgotten. Once she showed up on the big day and started snapping pics, I was completely at ease. The photos were amazing. I don't even know how she got the detail in certain shots, but she did! She managed to capture the night and mood brilliantly. As a bride, I think you can miss a lot, unfortunately not being able to be everywhere all the time. But Evangeline filled in the gaps for me. Trust Evangeline to do an amazing job for you at one of the most important days of your life. And she will make you look just beautiful, too!

Super secret special moment-catching skills? That's just part of the deal when you partner up with Evangeline.

Evangeline makes it her goal to get to know each couple as well as possible (preferably over some cocktails!), so that she'll know exactly how to handle each wedding. Want her to get the crowd going? Maybe fade into the background to catch a special, unplanned moment? Evangeline will find out just how you like it to get the job done. She's also a sucker for a love story and will find a way to capture all your little quirks:

I love characters and I am inspired by individuals. I'm a lover of all love.

Not only is Evangeline available worldwide and all over the U.S., but Boston weddings don't incur any travel fees. So there's no need to lament if you're having an East Coast wedding. Don't be shy - hit her up! Ooh, and special bonus points if you're planning a wedding in Montana, the Pacific Northwest, or Greece. She might give you big smooches since those destinations are on the top of her list.

Evangeline's work has taken her to Israel, Mexico, Peru, Costa Rica, and all across the United States. Has she seen her fair share of wedding styles? Yep. Does that mean she'll be ready for anything you have to throw at her? Oh hell yes.

Offbeat Bride readers get a special, discounted package!

Check out the details here.

Also give her a follow on Facebook, too, since she often posts special deals there as well.

Now you've gotten a peek inside the creative mind of Evangeline Lane. Go get in touch to snag the super-experienced, detail-capturing, world-traveling photographer of your dreams before your date is gone.

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