How To Emotionally Free Yourself From A Past Relationship

How To Emotionally Free Yourself From A Past Relationship



When a relationship ends, it can be difficult to let go of the emotions and unresolved feelings that linger. To move on, contemporary thought leader and spiritual teacher Panache Desai says we need to get divorced -- not in the legal sense, but on an emotional and spiritual level.

On his upcoming "Help Desk" episode, Desai demonstrates a powerful visualization exercise with Brittany, a 27-year-old woman who is trying to let go of her emotional baggage. She's currently in the process of getting a divorce and wants to free herself from her old marriage as she embarks on a new relationship.

Desai asks Brittany to close her eyes. "We're going to get vibrationally divorced," he says in the above video. "So often in life, we move on from relationships that were not complete."

He instructs Brittany to picture her ex-husband in her mind's eye. "I'd like you to just see yourself giving him a hug," he says. "I'd like you to just embrace him. And just let everything from that relationship just come up and wash right through you."

"I'm right here with you," Desai tells Brittany, who is visibly emotional. "It's OK."

"The love that we share with people never goes away," Desai explains. "It shifts forms. Just keep embracing him until he disappears. And just continue to breathe and relax and allow the sadness, the hurt, the anger to just wash through you."

When Brittany opens her eyes, Desai asks how she feels. "I feel very free," she says.

"Help Desk" with Panache Desai airs Sunday, Nov. 9 at noon ET on OWN.

This exercise isn't a one-time deal, Desia explains. "The more you do that, the more you'll open up to feeling everything there is to feel around this, so that then you can move on," he tells her. "And then you can be available for the love that awaits you."

More from Panache Desai: In this Q&A, Desai shares how to find gratitude in tough times.

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