Top DIY Bloggers to Follow on Instagram

Top DIY Bloggers to Follow on Instagram


We love to have a little DIY inspiration in our lives. Whether it's a one of a kind wedding DIY or a small project to brighten everyday life, there's something exciting about bringing an idea to life with your own two hands - and what better place to find fresh new do-it-yourself ideas than by following the best craft bloggers there are out there on Instagram? To start you off with some fresh inspiration, are 10 of our absolute favorite DIY bloggers to keep in our feed. We promise, they'll all be giving you the DIY bug in no time.

1. Lovely Indeed: This isn't the first time we've fallen for Chelsea of Lovely Indeed, but her Instagram feed takes our affection to a whole new level. Keep an eye out for her super cute baby, Hank, and all kinds of lovely ideas. P.S. She started her blog while planning her own DIY wedding. Match made in heaven. Follow her at @lovelyindeed.

2. Vintage Revivals: Mandi is a DIY blogger who tackles projects on every scale fearlessly. While her actual DIYs might be better suited to life after the wedding, her snaps provide just the encouragement you may need to take on your maker dreams. Follow her at @vintagerevivals.

3. Sugar and Cloth: This blogger is the perfect lady to follow if you love bright pictures and DIY-inspired living. By the way, the letters above are actually chocolate. Wedding favors, anyone? Follow Ashley at @sugarandcloth.

4. Studio DIY: Kelly Mindell, the creative genius behind Studio DIY, just celebrated her own wedding this past year. What does this mean for you? Ideas galore. Also, donuts. Find Kelly on Instagram at @studiodiy.

5. Smile and Wave: At Smile and Wave, Rachel blogs about her love for design, everyday family life and also puts together some killer DIYs. Her Instagram feed is similarly wonderful. Follow her at @smileandwave.

6. P.S. I Made This: First of all, great minds. Second, Erica's tagline is "I see it. I like it. I make it." which we think should, of course, also apply to any and all things wedding. Follow her at @psimadethis.

7. Paper & Stitch: You'll find more than pretty pictures in Brittni of Paper & Stitch's Instagram feed - but even if that was all, we'd still recommend you follow her. Bonus: a number of her tutorials would be perfect for the events around a wedding day, like a bridal shower, as well as the big event itself! Find her at @brittnimehlhoff.

8. I Spy DIY: Jenny of I Spy DIY has so many wedding-worthy DIYs we couldn't pick one if we tried. But don't take our word for it - check out her ideas at @ispydiy.

9. The House That Lars Built: If we had to describe blogger Brittany Watson Jenson's style in one word, it would be "colorful." This designer, crafter and stylist even has a hashtag (#crafttherainbow) dedicated to her love for bright hues. Follow her at @houselarsbuilt to see what we're talking about.

10. A Beautiful Mess: We're only slightly obsessed with the creative powers that are Elsie and Emma, the sisters behind the DIY magic at A Beautiful Mess. From bright colors to playful fonts, their work is always eye-catching and their own weddings are pretty much proof of their knack for DIYing the perfect day. Follow their Instagram account at @abeautifulmessofficial for ideas for your own celebration.

Did we miss anyone? Who are your favorite DIY bloggers to follow? Let us know in the comments below!

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