Mrs Jones - Polka Dot Bride

Mrs Jones - Polka Dot Bride


Happy Monday Dotties! I suspect being a long weekend that if you're reading this you're in for a day of heavy wedding planning. Which works well because I have plenty in store for you today and all this week!

Before we kick off our own week of happy wedding inspiration it's time to highlight, spotlight and show off the members of Ms Polka Dot's Directory. We have Cinematographers, we have Menswear we have Favors and Decor Accessories we even have Hair & Beauty! We work really hard to get vendors on board who are lovely - they're excited to share a cup of tea and help you plan the best wedding day possible!

Check out Ms Polka Dot's Directory for wedding vendors who will love your wedding as much as you!

Photo One by Ryan Noreiks, Photo Two & Three by Corey Sleap

We have in our Directory a wonderful selection of celebrants - all unique and all passionate about their role in this most special of days. Mrs Jones is a celebrant who brings to this profession a love of guiding you through a ceremony that is unique to you, tailored to fit you perfectly. With her quirky sense of humour and style, if you're looking for a celebrant who is a little different, Mrs Jones might just be the ticket to the ceremony of your dreams.

We asked Nicola of Mrs Jones five questions in five minutes -

What is your favourite after five drink?

I'm British: I will choose tea above anything else, in any situation and at any time of the day.

Your favourite weekend getaway?

I love going to quiet beaches. I'm not really a 'beach person' in that I don't lay on the sand for hours sunbathing; but I do love being by the sea. I recently bought a tent... We'll see how that goes...

Favourite restaurant?

Shakahari in Carlton.

What can we find you eating for breakfast on a Sunday morning?

In my head, I'm taking my time over something yummy at Las Vegan in Collingwood. In reality, I'm shoving cold toast in my face while trying to dress a very active three year old.

Your favourite wedding story?

Tough one! All the couples I marry have really heartfelt, and often quite intimate, ceremonies - they are more interested in 'getting married' than 'having a wedding'. It's hard to chose a favourite, but I really enjoyed marrying a couple who had 'eloped' from Geelong It was just them, two witnesses and a record player, under a tree in their favourite place. The bride's sister was crying, the vows were really special, and it was really hard not to get caught up in the emotion!

Visit Mrs Jones' page to find out more about our Vendor Of The Week. Mrs Jones is a member of Ms Polka Dot's Directory

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