Should we Marry This Year for a Tax Break? | MS Bridal Guru

Should we Marry This Year for a Tax Break? | MS Bridal Guru


Dear The Bridal Guru,

With it being April 15th and income taxes due, my fiancé and I are wondering if it's better to marry this year so we can get the tax break next year or wait another year and have more time to plan our wedding? What is best?

Taxed in Texas

Dear Taxed in Texas,

In the scheme of things, it doesn't matter. Pay me now or pay me later. Honestly, you shouldn't let taxes and when you get a tax break determine when you marry. Is there something else going on? Is it really taxes? That should be the last thing that enters your mind and governs your decision. Good luck to both of you!

The Bridal Guru

I would love to hear from y'all. What do you think. Should a tax break affect when someone gets married? I look forward to hearing from you.

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