What Does Memorial Day Mean to You? | MS Bridal Guru

What Does Memorial Day Mean to You? | MS Bridal Guru


For years, Memorial Day meant to me the beginning of summer. Memorial Day meant a long weekend, a paid holiday, a time to get together with family and friends, cook out, drink and eat too much.

It wasn't until I married my husband, Johnny, a proud Marine, a Viet Nam veteran, that I learned the true meaning of Memorial Day. Although my father served in the Army during World War II and I studied all this in school, I still didn't understand or appreciate it's impact on me and and our country. Yes, I admit: I have been guilty of taking our freedoms for granted. That is until I met and married my husband.

Johnny was 19 when he joined the Marines with his best friend. They were going to a strange country with a culture they did not know or undertstand to stop the spread of communism. Quickly upon his arrival "in country" Johnny's platoon was ambushed. He witnessed many of his fellow soldiers dying before his eyes. More were badly hurt. That was when Johnny learned we are all the same and bleed the same blood: red, white and blue. Johnny was one of the lucky ones. He came home to his family and friends. But for many of his comrades, their homecoming was very different.

I realize now through my husband, the great sacrifies these men and women have made for our freedoms. It's not just those that died in action that have paid the ultimate price, so have their survivors. We must remember the families and loved ones left behind: husbands and wives, sons and daughters, fathers and mothers, grandparents, friends, beloved and intended.

Yes, it's Memorial Day. Yes, it's a day to celebrate with our families and friends. But, let's never forget why we have Memorial Day. So, my question to you is this: What does Memorial Day mean to you?

P.S. Help the returning soldiers and veterans, the survivors and their families. Donate to the Wounded Warrior Project:

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