8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You... | MS Bridal Guru

8 Questions to Ask Yourself Before You... | MS Bridal Guru


Buyer's remorse strikes us all at some point in our lives, but your wedding day is quite possibly the worst time for that to happen. Most wedding gowns are ordered specifically for the bride who intends to wear it. Because of this they usually come with a zero return policy. Before making this major commitment, ask yourself these eight questions.

Some people view wedding gowns as a costume; something to play "dress up" in.I do not share that opinion.Your wedding gown should represent your personal style.You want your groom to recognize you after all.Plus, your wedding day will most likely be the most photographed day of your life, (unless you're a supermodel) and as the bride, most of those photos will be of you.When you look back on your wedding photos, what do you want to see?A girl playing dress up or the most beautiful, radiant version of yourself?

7. Does this compliment my theme?

6. Could I stand to wear this all day?

When you're the bride, the wedding day is a LONG day. As a former photographer'sassistant who spent many Saturdays arranging brides' gowns for photos, I can tell you that most brides don't think about how they will feel after being in their gown for an entire day.Unless you're changing dresses for your reception, you can expect to wear your wedding gown for at least six hours.Think of how it will feel to drag around a mile-long train all day.Fully beaded gowns are back in fashion and they are HEAVY. You won't be able to stand to like a statue the entire time, so give it some extra thought.

Wedding gowns, by their very nature, are not practical.You spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on a dress that you'll only wear once.That's not the kind of practicality I'm talking about though.Since you'll be wearing this dress for six or more hours, you'll want to sit at some point, so make sure you can.

4. Do I need to purchase special undergarments to go with this gown?

Sometimes ball gowns need a little help maintaining their shape.You may need to purchase a special slip or petticoat to go underneath.This can add to the amount of fluff in your skirt, but it can also add to the total cost of your gown.Slips can also make your gown evenwarmer, so consider this carefully.I know Southern girls don't sweat (they glisten), but it would be truly unfortunate for you to start glistening through your gown.

3. Do I need tools or special assistance to get into or out of this dress?

Once upon a time, a bride chose a beautiful gown with a long row of satin-covered buttons down her back.Her resourceful mother used a crochet hook to fasten each button before the wedding, but no one thought about the poor groom who would be helping her out of the dress later. With much frustration, he managed to unbutton a few buttons on his own.He tried various itemsthey found around their honeymoon suite on the remaining buttons, but to no avail.In a moment of desperation, he borrowed a pair of scissors from the front desk and cut his bride out of her dress.

One more tip to go along with this topic: If you're blessed with an ample bust, make sure those girls are well-contained.You don't want them making an appearance while you're doing the "Wobble" at your reception.Feel free to practice your dance moves while you're trying on dresses.I'm sure the ladies at the shop won't mind.Trust me, there isn't much they haven't seen.

Guest blogger, Carrie Cullum,is a former photographer's assistant and bridal consultant. She is a reformed pageant queen and now lives in Madison, Mississippi with her husband and two kids. Carrie is the owner of The Social Pages, a social media marketing business.

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