Awesome two piece wedding dresses that you'll never not re-wear

Awesome two piece wedding dresses that you'll never not re-wear


I'm highly attracted to the idea of wearing a two piece wedding dress. I love the fact that it means I could easily re-wear both pieces again and again. Maybe wear the big wedding skirt to a fancy holiday party? Maybe wear the wedding top, dressed down with some jeans to a summer BBQ. Endless possibilities to incorporate my wedding outfit into my daily wardrobe.

So I've been scouring the interwebs for awesome two piece wedding dresses, and I thought I'd share the fashion inspo...

Okay, you've seen MY favorite two piece wedding dresses. Now I want to see yours!

Megan Finley

Megan Finley is the LA-based Offbeat Empire editor. When she's not writing, editing, and sleeping, she's eating, drinking, and consuming pop-culture. You can snoop into her personal life over on her website Funk in Deep Freeze!

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