Keep control of costs but still have a fantastic wedding

Keep control of costs but still have a fantastic wedding

Being smart and thrifty when it comes to your wedding doesn’t have to mean going without…


The cost of a wedding can be a touchy subject. Sometimes it seems as if the only way to make sure you have the perfect wedding day is to blow every penny you have on it. However, budgets don’t have to spiral to have a day you’ll remember forever.


The wedding budget might be the most important part of your wedding planning. It’s almost impossible to stop costs spiralling if you don’t decide in advance what you can spend – and what you can’t – and whether you will need to borrow money so the wedding budget should be the first task. Once you’ve set the budget then stick to it – be resourceful and innovative but don’t spend more than you’ve got.


Establishing your key costs first will give you a good idea of how much there is left to play with. What are your wedding priorities – the dress, the venue, the food? You don’t need to spend big on everything just because you’re getting married. Work out what matters the most and send your resources in that direction then be smart about the rest.


Choosing a venue-only deal can save you from hidden costs. Avoid paying too much for services you might not want or need and find somewhere that will give you just the venue and leave you to organise the rest yourself.


Use a budgeting app to stay on top of your costs (or pen and paper if you prefer the analogue option). When you get a quote, or agree a figure, update your total spend so that you’re always on top of what the final costs are likely to be.


Avoiding making emotional decisions might sound ridiculous given the very emotional nature of a proposal and wedding day. However, practical choices about food and logistics don’t need to be made on an emotional basis. Be wary of unscrupulous wedding suppliers who will pick up on insecurities to steer you towards more expensive choices with emotional ideas like “you deserve it” or “your dad would have liked it” or “it will make you look slimmer.” Don’t get so caught up in the process that you can’t see the wood for the trees.


Don’t be afraid to ask for discounts, especially if you’re booking early, having an off-season wedding or buying two services from the same supplier.


Throw away everything you’ve seen on Instagram - aspirational wedding pics are great but they often involve vast expense and resources. Instead, use social media for more thrifty inspiration (check hashtags like #DIYwedding and #beautifulbudgetwedding) and find cheaper alternatives to the castle venue, the caviar and the Vera Wang frock.


Remember it’s not the ‘stuff’ but the people who will make your wedding memorable - and they come for free. So you really can get married the low cost way and still have a fantastic wedding.