DIY: Tissue Paper Lanterns

DIY: Tissue Paper Lanterns


Decorating for the holidays or thinking of cost conscious centerpieces for your big day can be daunting. We made these tissue paper lanterns to help ease some of that stress. These are cheap, easy, quick, and look gorgeous for any occasion!


  • Glass cylinders in your choice of size (we got ours from the dollar store)
  • Tissue paper
  • Mod Podge
  • Sponge brush
  • Scissors
  • Tea Lights


    3-5 minutes per lantern plus dry time


    These were very easy. After the first one, I realized it was easier to start at the middle of the tissue paper piece and then wrap the edges around the glass instead of starting at one end and wrapping all the way around.

First, you'll want to lay out one piece of tissue paper and mark cut lines to size the paper to the cylinder.

Once you've cut the tissue paper to size , lay the cylinder on the paper and begin to apply mod podge to the glass. I did this in stages. Put mod podge on a small area, then stick the tissue paper to it and repeat until you've made it all the way around the cylinder.

Your lantern should be looking something like this by this point.

Apply a layer of the mod podge around the entire lantern and then let it sit to dry.

Put a tea light in it and these lanterns are ready to go!

What will you use the lanterns for? Let us know in the comments or tag us on Instagram @DIYBrideBlog!

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