Retro Road Trip Wedding Decor

Retro Road Trip Wedding Decor


Ever since I was a kid, I have loved road trips. The idea that you can just hop in your car and go. Maybe you have a set destination in mind, maybe not. But there is some magic that happens when the landscape changes from your car window. If you agree that there is a certain romance to a road trip, perhaps you are considering a long car trip for your own honeymoon. And if you decide that route is for you, why not incorporate your journey into your wedding decor?

The most obvious way to bring the open road to your wedding? Maps. You can line your wedding invitation envelopes with ones you are no longer using (or color copies, if you wish to save them). For your guestbook, instead of a traditional album, find a vintage road atlas. Invite your guests to write their best wishes over their favorite cities and tourist destinations.

Remember when local road maps used to line the walls of the roadside gas stations? Bring back a little of that pre-Google Maps nostalgia by numbering your table with city street maps. Pick locations you plan on visiting during your road trip and add other local souvenirs to create fun centerpieces.

You can't have a real road trip without Coca-Cola, can you? Use a wooden soda crate to display your seating chart or hold your favor bags.

Speaking of favors, we love these Route 66 muslin bags. Fill them with car ride goodies like Life-Savers, bubble gum, and packets of Goldfish.

Have an old View Master in the toy box currently residing in your mother's attic? Dust it off and find some old slides of all the destinations you hope to see on your honeymoon. Display them on your welcome table or near the line for your photo booth.

Want more travel insights? You're in luck! June is Bon Voyage Month, brought to you in partnership with Paul Gauguin Cruises. We're focusing on all things travel to help make your destination wedding and honeymoon the best it can be!

Who doesn't love getting a postcard. Use retro-inspired reproductions for your place cards. Collect postcards on your honeymoon or buy packs of vintage ones and use them as your thank you cards. Especially if you decide to do a honeymoon registry, postcards from the attractions listed on your registry will be extra meaningful to the recipients.

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