Bridal Party Etiquette ~ 5 Rules That Will Prevent You From Losing Your Friends After Your Wedding

Bridal Party Etiquette ~ 5 Rules That Will Prevent You From Losing Your Friends After Your Wedding


Bridey, so I know that are the one getting married, and are the one spending a ton of money on your big day, and that you are in charge of the building the perfect bridal party, but let's get one thing straight, okay? Don't be a bitch to the women you are asking to stand at the altar with you. Period. I am getting so tired of witnessing or hearing about bitch-ass brideys behaving like total diva assholes (remember this story on Gawker?) to the women they supposedly love enough to have them share such a personal experience with... So STOP IT.

Yes I am being hard on you, but most of you deserve it. Sorry, but you do. Because this shit keeps happening... Although, because I care about your well being, and in order to help you to avoid creating drama surrounding your wedding day, I have decided to give you five rules to follow to prevent you from fucking up your relationships with your maids (possibly forever).

1. Don't even think about asking one, or some of the girls to lose weight before your wedding. Not only are you going to hurt their feelings, but it's just rude. Accept them for who they are and what they look like, but please don't ask them to make such a personal sacrifice for you. If they haven't done it for themselves already, then odds are they are not going to do it for you (although they may try unsuccessfully), and then you've opened up a whole other can of worms. And trust me, your friendship will never be the same. I promise.

2. It's not okay for you to ask your bridesmaids not to get pregnant. Seriously, that'd be like if they asked to hold off on getting married. Right? If you are choosing these girls to be in your wedding, then obviously you care about them. And if you care about them, then you must respect their life choices just as they are respecting yours. So, get out of their bedroom and be a supportive friend!

3. Do not assume that your bridesmaids have a whole year to dedicate to your wedding. What do you mean BB? Well, bridey, I mean that if you want to have "weekly wedding meetings" and you feel as though some of your bridesmaids "just aren't too into it", let it go. Your bridesmaids are responsible for leading their own lives, and as much as they want to participate in every aspect of your wedding, to some of the girls, it might feel like work. And you know what? That's okay. Because bridey, I bet if you are honest with yourself, then you know in advance who these girls will be, and ultimately it's your fault because you asked them to be in your wedding. You don't get to be surprised when they don't seem all that into it when you knew from the beginning that it was a possibility. Again, accept them as is or don't ask them to be in your wedding.

4. This one really pisses me off... Don't assume the financial situation of anybody in your bridal party. You are not allowed to get upset if some of your bridesmaids can't make it to the shower (or showers), the bachelorette party, etc. because it's a plane ride away. They are already investing in your wedding with a dress they can't wear again (let's be honest), a gift, their time, etc. etc. etc. So, again, let it go if somebody can't make a trip or two or... wait for it... they choose not to... Got it?

5. I find this one shocking. Really I do. And it's not like it's a big deal, but it bothers me every time it comes up... Bridey, if your bridesmaids want to cut or color their hair, it's none of your fucking business. You are not the boss of their lives... Okay, so unless one of your girls is rocking a mohawk, then shut your mouths. These girls are supposed to be your friends, bridey. So, if you want them to still be your friends after the wedding, you'll keep your mouth shut! Seriously, are your photographs really going to be ruined because one of the maids went from blond to red???

Bridey, I tell the truth because I care. I truly have your best interests in mind, and not only want your wedding day to be the best day of your life, but I want you to have friends in your life afterward... Got it?

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