10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - The Art of Motherhood

10 Ways to Make Life Lovely - The Art of Motherhood


Happy freakin' Friday! I can't believe we're here, not just because it's almost the weekend (although that is a major cause for celebration every week!), but also because in a matter of hours I'll be an auntie for the second time, as my sister and brother-in-law welcome their baby girl into this world! Which makes today's post on Motherhood all the more timely; oh I do love it a bit of alignment!

Yes, you guessed right, with Mother's Day fast approaching (next Sunday guys, chill!) we're giving you the low down on the best mama merch, bonding activities, encouraging gifts for mothers of all sorts... Heck we're even inspiring the words you'll need to tell her how much you love her!

So whether you're a mother, a mama-to-be, a grandmother, a caregiver, a dog mama... Wherever you are on your parenthood journey, you are loved and appreciated!

And if you're here searching for ideas to celebrate your mother, we got you, guys!

Music that celebrates motherhood.

From a mother to her child (oh, Beyoncé, you absolute queen), from a child in gratitude to their mother (think Elvis Presley, Kanye + Metallica!) this wildly varied, but super apt playlist by Mother Mag was just too fun to pass up!

Cue these tracks as you road trip on a Mother's day adventure, or as you serve her fresh OJ and pancakes in bed.

Either way, there's some crackin' lyrics in there sure to give her the warm fuzzies!

And don't feel restrained by this at all! Add in some nostalgic favourites for that personal touch. It's the 2017 version of a mixtape!

We LOVE this trend: affirmation cards.

When I insta-surfed my way on to yesmummum's feed earlier this week, I can't even begin to describe how excited her brand and product concept got me.

I'd seen affirmation cards before (this amazing Aussie brand make a beautifully illustrated version), but to find a UK brand absolutely acing it is very exciting!

Made with every kind of mother in mind, Yesmum makes little affirmation cards for:

BOSS - for entrepreneurial mums
- for those on a fertility journey
- for life as a human being
MILK - for breastfeeding mums
MINI - for kids aged 4-14
ORIGINAL - for motherhood (our only motherhood-specific range)
- for fatherhood
STRENGTH - for those experiencing grief, loss or trauma
- to support and empower the LGBT community
SELF LOVE - to inspire self-esteem and positive body image
- for those in further education/return to studying
- for teenagers
TO BE - for a positive pregnancy & birth
WELLBEING - for healthy lifestyle, eating and exercise changes

...So pretty much wherever you're at in life (Mother or not, really!) there's a set of cards to encourage and inspire you. An awesome gift, for anyone needing that little pick-me-up (which is everyone, #amiright?!)

This one might seem kinda, obvious, but I'll say it anyway 'cause it's so important: give your mother the gift of Time.

Quality, life-sharing, love-giving, adventure-seeking, authentic TIME.

They weren't joking when they said it was precious. Next Sunday, we'd encourage you to do whatever it is you need to do to go the whole day phone-free, be wholly present and spend quality bonding time with your mama (and/or your kids!).

That is, unless you're super far away from your mama that get on the damn blower and tell her how much you love her!

Get outside together: take a hike, or hey pull the rusty bikes outta the garage and go for a (albeit maybe wobbly!) ride together! Or maybe you have a to-do list as long as your arm: a room that needs decorating or a garden bed to tend? Make it fun and delve into the project together.

Nothing's more satisfying than a Sunday well spent, doing a bit of hard graft, with those you love!

Two über hot words right now: Mama. Merch.

Mamas of Instagram are uniting, they're creating, they're lifting each other, they're hustlin' and they're producing some seriously rad products with powerful messages.

From freeing the nipple and normalising breastfeeding, to a protest against the censorship of motherhood and an appreciation of it as a full-time incredibly demanding role/job: brands like Mère Soeur, Milk and Moon and the Bee & the Fox have some incredible gifts lined up for this Mother's day!

Guys, I was just FULL of gifting ideas for this post - and I figured y'all wouldn't mind - so here's another idea for you!

Why not make a conscious purchase from a company that supports women (and often mothers) less fortunate than ourselves? I can think of no better way to gift to a Mother; a product she'll love, that's done good in the world too.

Here's just a handful of our favourite companies creating just such products:

[click the company name to link through to their website!]

Product: Thicker and bigger eco-friendly, sustainable cork surface with a non-slip rubber bottom

Mission: "...to help women living in India, who are stuck in the sex trade, break free from the industry and find dignified employment. EVERY YOGA MAT PURCHASED = ONE WOMAN LEARNS A SKILL. EVERY YOGA BAG PURCHASED = A WAGE FOR ONE WOMAN

Products: super on-trend woven bags, key chains, purses, cushions + jewellery

Mission: GAIA creations are handmade by refugee women resettled in Dallas using vintage, artisan-made, & sustainable materials. Mission: We believe that the end to generational poverty will come when people are able to provide for themselves. We believe that social businesses whose aim is to alleviate poverty should use their business skills to create job opportunities for the poor, not give them more charity. What we seek to "give" to those living in poverty is opportunity by purchasing goods from them, and helping those businesses grow and employ more Mission: Sudara is a benefit corporation that exists to advocate on behalf of and empower women who have escaped from, or at the highest risk of, human trafficking by providing dignified employment opportunities. We are a mission-driven lifestyle brand whose success is not just measured or defined in sales and revenue, but in our positive social impact and creating long-term, sustainable change Mission: At Indego Africa, we are all about empowering and uplifting artisan women in Africa through employment opportunities and education. Our mission? To help artisans lift themselves and their families out of poverty and become empowered businesswomen. Our mission is to empower refugee women through employment, encouragement, and dedication to their long-term success in our local communities. Through a living wage and continued training and development, our goal is to lead the women to financial independence and self-sufficiency

Products: leather bags, clutches, purses and all kinds of incredible jewellery

Products: their amazing Punjammies, loungewear and accessories

Products: incredible baskets, woven hats, children's toys, accessories, homeware... I could go on!

Because, heyyo! Who doesn't love to have breakfast/lunch/dinner cooked for them?!

Food is good for the soul and the ritual of sitting down to share a meal together that's been prepared from scratch is one of life's purest and greatest treasures. Haha, sorry the true foodie in me is coming out!

But seriously, cook for your mama. Or if you have little ones yourself, cook as a family! Embrace the pile of washing up and enjoy this ancient practice; it's food for the soul.

Even alfresco dine if you really wanna switch it up!

Ok, so I am totally new to this concept, and am yet to attend such a gathering, but this practice speaks to me on all kinds of levels and would make the most amazing celebration of femininity in light of Mother's day!

What the heck am I talk about? A Women's Circle

Yeah. I had no idea either at first, but it's becoming something of a trend down under, so you know it's about time we got on board!

From what I've learnt so far (mainly from an amazing Aussie company called Sisters & the Sea) a Women's Circle is a gathering of women to share stories, thoughts, ideas and experience. It's a celebration of womanhood, sisterhood; a fun, nurturing and empowering space for women of all ages to come together and share life.

It can be a one off thing, or a regularly (traditionally, monthly) gathering, or even a celebration in honour of a particular point in a woman's life (an alternative bridal shower, baby blessing, bon voyage party, or even a birthday celebration). So it seems perfectly fitting as a celebration of mothers, no?!

Check out Sister and the Sea's FAQ page and their awesome DIY circle kits to host your own Motherhood themed Women's Circle!

Just incase anyone was needing a little inspiration to put their love/admiration/sheer awe of their mother into a few carefully scrawled words...

Here's some of our favourite quotes about mothers, about women, and about heroes (they're all one in the same, no?!)

I feel like a trip to Kew Gardens is always a good idea, but especially as they still currently have Wolfgang Buttress' Hive installation in situ, so you can literally take your mama bee home!

What's the deal? Well, at a whopping 17 metre high, this 40 tonne installation wowed audiences in Milan and it's set up home in Kew Gardens since summer 2016.

You can stand, lie or sit within the massive lattice structure as thousands of LED lights flicker and an orchestral arrangement plays, triggered by the activity of actual bees in a nearby hive. The music has been specially composed to mimic a bee's singing voice, namely in the key of C.

Sounds. Rad. Take yo' mama.

Not to mention there's some pretty nice flowers at Kew, and I hear mothers like flowers on Mother's day!

And finally, still not seen a gift that's quite right for your mama?

[Or if you're a mama searching for something to drop hints about! Ha, I see you!]

Why not get her a gift that keeps on giving... Aka: a subscription-style pressie!

Whether it's a Spotify premium account, so she can cue those workout tunes ad-free for the next year!

Or an Audible subscription to make the daily commute (or maybe the ironing pile!) a little more tolerable with her favourite book.

Or maybe she's mentioned wanting to take better care of herself, take more time for a bit of self love... Then a Headspace subscription would be an awesome shout!

Either way, every time she turns it on for the next [insert subscription time period here] she'll think of you!

*Ahem, brownie points, ahem!*

And so that's it, lovely people! May the mother-loving begin!

Just a couple of other things I wanted to leave you with: firstly, it sounds so cliché, but please humour me when I say: don't wait for Mother's day to celebrate the ones you love (I say this as much to remind myself!) family are beyond precious, and the bond we have with our parents, and children, is like no other. Always seek to think the best of them, celebrate who they are and love on them daily.

And secondly, to those of you (if you didn't run a mile at the intro!) who don't have a mum, one way or another, I see you and feel you. If you've lost your mother, all I can say is sorry, and if you can find the strength, try to honour/remember/give thanks for her around this holiday. And if you're no longer in contact with your mum; maybe take this day to love especially hard on all the humans who've helped and encouraged you on your journey. There's no biological code for what or who your mother is; celebrate those people.

We love you all and have an amazing weekend! We'll see you on the flip side!

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