DIY: Pinecone Bouquet

DIY: Pinecone Bouquet


This bouquet is an elegant way to incorporate pinecones into your wedding decor.

Supplies: Time:

10-15 minutes per bouquet.


Anyone can assemble this bouquet. It just takes some patience as you will want to try a few options as to what looks best.

First, wrap the floral wire around the pine cones a few times. You can tuck the wire into the holes of the pinecones so it is unseen.

Once you have wrapped the wire around a few times, leave excess wire hanging from the pinecones so you can use it to affix the flowers to the bouquet.

Now you will want to start assembling the flowers. I found it easier to place the flowers in a jar when creating the bouquet.

After you have the arrangement looking the way you want, place the pinecones into the flowers and feed the wire down into the stems. Once all of the pinecones are in place, wrap the wire around the flower stems to keep the flowers and pinecones in place.

Use your twine of choice to cover the wire. You can either use a drop of hot glue or just tuck the end of the wire into place like I did once you are happy with the amount of twine used.

Just like that you are finished. Don't forget to keep your bouquet in water to keep them looking fresh.

Did you use pinecones in your bridal bouquet? Sending us your photos to [email protected] or tag us @DiyBrideBlog!

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